Encounter with God Subscription
JULY 2024 - JUNE 2025
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1st Issue JUL-SEP 2024

Includes $2.50 post surcharge for 1st book if purchased after 29/05/24
Encounter with God Subscription
APRIL 2024 - MARCH 2025
4 x A5 books, 112pp sent quarterly
1st Issue APR-JUN 2024

Includes $2 post surcharge for 1st book if purchased after 18/03/24

Daily Bread Subscription
JULY 2024 - JUNE 2025
4 x A5 books, 112pp sent quarterly
1st Issue JUL-SEP 2024

Includes $2.50 post surcharge for 1st book if purchased after 29/05/24
Daily Bread Subscription
APRIL 2024 - MARCH 2025
4 x A5 books, 112pp sent quarterly
1st Issue APR-JUN 2024

Includes $2 post surcharge for 1st book if purchased after 18/03/24

Daily Bread (LARGE PRINT) Subscription
JULY 2024 - JUNE 2025
4 books, 112pp, sent quarterly
1st Issue JUL-SEP 2024

Includes $2.50 post surcharge for 1st book if purchased after 29/05/24

Daily Bread (LARGE PRINT) Subscription
APRIL 2024 - MARCH 2025
4 books, 112pp, sent quarterly
1st Issue APR-JUN 2024

Includes $2 post surcharge for 1st book if purchased after 18/03/24