Bible Studies Adults > Lifebuilders: Special Orders

Lifebuilder: Heaven
Douglas Connelly
ISBN 978 1 85999 380 4
8 studies for individuals or groups

** ON SALE - down from $9.95 **
*** only 10 COPIES IN STOCK ***
Lifebuilder: Hope
Jack Kuhatschek
ISBN 978 1 85999 222 7
9 studies for individuals or groups

** ON SALE - down from $9.95 **
*** only 8 COPIES IN STOCK ***
Lifebuilder: Joseph
P. Borthwick
ISBN 978 1 84427 093 9
9 studies for individuals or groups

** ON SALE - down from $9.95 **
*** only 3 COPIES IN STOCK ***
Lifebuilder: Love
The greatest gift of all
ISBN 978 1 85999 754 3

** ON SALE - down from $9.95 **
*** only 9 COPIES IN STOCK ***
Lifebuilder: Missions
Paul Borthwick
ISBN 978 1 85999 475 X
9 studies for individuals or groups.

** ON SALE - down from $9.95 **
*** only 2 COPIES IN STOCK ***
Lifebuilder: Pleasing God
Jack Kuhatschek
ISBN 978 1 85999 345 1
9 studies for individuals or group

** ON SALE - down from $9.95 **
*** only 11 COPIES IN STOCK ***