JAFFA 1 Jesus a Friend For All (PDF Edition)
A4, 96pp
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Most leaders do a great job developing friendships with their young people and living out the gospel in front of them. Many run games and craft activities without too much difficulty. But for the majority of leaders, it's the "God Stuff" they find the hardest to plan and make effective.
So Scripture Union contacted 60 people with a heart for both children's ministry and the Bible and invited them to think about the issues facing today's children and how the Bible addresses those issues. JESUS IS A FRIEND FOR ALL is the result.
JAFFA will show you how to engage kids from unchurched backgrounds with the Bible in ways that are fun, appropriate and contemporary.
32 programs to help kids know Jesus - allowing for seasonal weeks, this book contains a full years worth of programs for a kids club. Designed for 9-12's but with extra activities for 5-8's.
Some of the life issues covered include:
A Great Start
The Big G
The Book
Reality Check!
Setting the Pace