Bible Reading Guides Digital Bible Reading Guides

Closer to God OD13 PDF Edition

Closer to God OD13 PDF Edition

OCT-DEC 2013


ISSN 1362-914X

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For anyone who longs to hear God's voice in today's noisy world. If you believe or hope that God speaks to ordinary people; loving, freeing, changing and healing them, then 'Closer to God' is for you.

There's a Bible reading with notes for every day of the week, but each weekly section is designed so that if you miss up to two days you still won't get behind.

Inside you'll find seven readings for every week with notes and ideas to help you reflect, think and grow in your relationship with God. Each Bible book series lasts one or two weeks. As you use 'Closer to God', these form part of a comprehensive explration of the Bible.

There's space to journal, prayer and worship suggestions and an occasional meditation to a Bible theme raised through the week. A feature called Looking Outwards has practical challenges for how to live out the Bible truths you've been examining.

Inside this issue of Closer to God:

John 14-15
1 Samuel 26-31
1 Corinthians 1-4
Isaiah 60-66
Exodus 25-40
Colossians 1-4 and Philemon
1 Corinthians 5-7
Matthew 1-3
