E100 Challenge Companion Books

Essential Jesus ePub Edition

Essential Jesus ePub Edition

Whitney T Kuniholm


Essential Jesus
100 Readings Through the Bible's Greatest Story
eBook Edition in ePub Format

Please note: This is the ePub edition of Essential Jesus. This version will only work with ePub compatible eReaders and apps. If you're looking for another format, please see below.

Jesus - Son of God, controversial radical teacher, miracle worker, restorer of sick minds and bodies, crucified king - has fascinated men and women through the centuries.

The Bible is our major source for insight about Jesus but it is not always an easy read - that’s where Essential Jesus fits in. It guides you through 100 carefully selected Bible passages from both Old and New Testaments along with short, engagingly written notes to help you reflect on who Jesus is and why that’s important for you today.

Questions for group discussion are included at the end of each section.

If you desire:
* to grasp the 'big picture' of who Jesus is
* guidance about how to respond to him in your daily life
* to hear from God himself and find intimacy with him

...then Essential Jesus is for you.
