Light (Church Curricula) non-current LIGHT Curricula

Grid for Leaders OCT-DEC

Grid for Leaders OCT-DEC

OCT-DEC 2016


275 x 210mm, 68pp
ISBN 978 1 78506 234 6

Lively, interactive Bible based learning for young people aged 11 to 14 years. Young teenagers are faced with many challenges, so theGRID is sensitive to their world and resources leaders to meet their needs appropriately.

Encouraging churches to think of 11-14s as young teenagers, GRID for Leaders can be used in cell groups, open clubs, traditional Sunday groups and larger celebration events. Use alongside GRID for Young People for an even wider range of activities.

13 Bible-based sessions in the October–December 2016 issue:

Series 1 – Jesus cares
In his words and actions, Jesus cares deeply for his people

Series 2 – God’s justice and grace
Exploring our response to God’s justice and grace

Series 3 – God’s plan
God uses John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus
