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Moose Stories 4: Wet and Wild
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Moose Stories 4: Wet and Wild

Shaun Hepworth


228x222mm, 28 pages
ISBN: 978 1 92129 221 7
for AGES 5 plus

STOCK SALE - down from $11.95
*** Only 3 left in stock

When God asked Jonah to preach, the preacher ran away! But God rescued Jonah by causing a storm, having Jonah thrown overboard, swallowed by a huge fish and spewed on shore. Sound too strange to be true? It's a whale of a tale alright, but very true and worth the read!

The Moose Storybooks take a fresh look at some of the best stories ever told. Written in playful rhyme, and delightfully illustrated, children of all ages will easily remember them. The real value is they will be more likely to learn the valuable life lessons contained within each book.
